โ“ FAQ
โŒ Cancel service

โŒ How to cancel a service?

Step 1

Log in to billing panel (opens in a new tab). Search for the active service you want to cancel.

Step 2

In the actions section look for the Request Cancellation option.

Step 3

Then you must write the reason for the cancellation and the type of cancellation.

Types of cancellation:

  • Immediate: The service will be cancelled and terminated at 00:00hs UTC on the same day of the cancellation request.

  • End of contract period: The service will be cancelled and terminated on the last day of the contract at 00:00hs UTC.

โœ” Done! Once you send the cancellation request your service will be automatically terminated according to the type of cancellation chosen. In case you regret the cancellation you can contact support via ticket to cancel the request.