โ“ FAQ
โธ Service suspended

โธ Service suspended

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Don't forget to pay your invoices to avoid the deletion of your server and files. We always send payment reminders.

Products & services suspended

If your service is suspended it is for a reason such as:

You forgot to pay your invoices

You forgot to pay your invoices and your server was suspended automatically. Once this happens, you will have 7 days to pay the invoices until it says terminated. You will not be able to recover your files once the server has been terminated.

You have breached our terms of service

Your service will be suspended if you have breached our terms of service. You can read more by clicking here (opens in a new tab). However, if this happens, you will receive a notification via a ticket and email. Most of the time you may receive a notification before any action is taken against your service or server.

Your service is at risk

If we detect any anomaly in your service/server we will suspend it immediately and proceed to notify you through a ticket and email.


Can't find the cause of your suspension? Open a support ticket (opens in a new tab) so we can help you and prevent the loss of information as soon as possible.