๐Ÿ’ป VPS Panel
Connect via VNC

Connect via VNC


VNC works on Windows and Linux, this functionality is useful when you run out of access to the server via SSH in the case of Linux or RDP in the case of Windows, for example when you activate a firewall by mistake without configuring it before and you run out of remote connection. VNC is like a monitor connected to the server, regardless of the network or configuration of your VPS you will always have access to it.


Step 1

Go to your VPS panel (opens in a new tab) and click on the icon shown in the image below.

Step 2

A new box will open, click on Launch HTML 5 VNC Client.

Step 3

A new pop-up window will open where you can access the Linux console as if you had a monitor connected to the server. Here you will be able to execute the commands you need, remember that you must first login to the server (as in SSH).


Step 1

Go to your VPS panel (opens in a new tab) and click on the icon shown in the image below.

Step 2

A new box will open, click on Launch HTML 5 VNC Client.

Step 3

A new pop-up window will open where you can access Windows as if you had a monitor connected to the server. Remember that you must first log in to Windows.

To unlock the login screen, you must open the VNC options menu, click the first option (Show Extra Keys) and then click the last option (Send Ctrl-Alt-Del), this will show you the field to enter the Administrator password.

Use external VNC client software

If you do not want to use the web browser with noVNC, you can use a program on your PC to access the VNC of your VPS, we recommend using VNC Viewer (opens in a new tab).

To view the VNC access data go to Settings and then to the VNC tab. There you must copy the IP and Port of VNC to place them in the VNC client program, in this case VNC Viewer.

In this program the format is <IP>:<Port> (inserting : between the IP and the Port)

If you get an Encryption message when connecting, simply click continue. You will then be prompted for the VNC password, this password can be found in the last email sent to you by the VPS panel when your VPS was created. If you do not remember it, you can reset it by following these steps.

Then simply follow the steps depending on whether your VPS is Windows or Linux:

Change VNC password

If you do not remember your VNC password or you lost the email with the VNC access data, you can reset it from the VPS panel (opens in a new tab).

Go to Settings and then on the VNC Password tab, there enter the new VNC password and repeat to confirm. Use a strong password

You may need to restart the VPS from the panel for the new VNC password to be set. To learn how to reboot your VPS from the panel follow this article.